The Sienese collections of ancient medical instruments (housed in the Museum of Medical Instruments of the University of Siena) testify to the great activity of the University in the research and teaching of Sciences, with particular regard to the health sector. They come in part from the millenary hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, seat of the Medical Faculty, and from university institutions.
The University of Siena has been involved for over two decades, thanks to the activity of the then Center for the Protection and Enhancement of the Ancient Scientific Heritage (CUTVAP) today the SIMUS Center, in the systematic collection, safeguarding, cataloging, photographic shooting, restoration conservation and finally enhancement of scientific assets. He therefore wanted to dedicate to his own collections of historical medical instruments, as well as to countless private donations, an office divided into two sites: an exhibition and representative place in the church of Santa Maria Maddalena with a selection of the most important medical collections and a deposit organized of tools, aimed at study and research activity, based in the scientific complex of San Miniato.
The Museum of Medical Instruments also promotes orientation, training and updating initiatives on cultural heritage, in particular in the scientific field, in close collaboration with the Central Institute for Catalog and Documentation. The Museum also carries out scientific verification activities for the filing bodies and is engaged, thanks to its collections, in training and dissemination of medical sciences, with particular regard to the university population of Medicine and schools of all levels (ESCAC Project ).