The Physics Section of the Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment houses one of the most valuable and richest historical collections of scientific instruments of Physics of the Sienese university. There are about 400 devices, instruments, models, in perfect state of conservation, mostly from the nineteenth century: they testify to the history and evolution of the discipline, from its being a subject of teaching in the curriculum from the origins of the Medical Faculty up to more recent Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences.
The Collection of Physics Instruments of the University of Siena was organized between 1990 and 2000, also thanks to the collaboration of the CUTVAP Service Center, which published the inventory in volume 11 of the Mater.iali series, and is now on display to the public. It includes a perpetual electric pendulum by Zamboni, a horizontal microscope, an optometer and a polarizing microscope by Giovanni Battista Amici, spectrometers, polarimeters, compasses, octants, telescopes, galvanometers and other fine electrical instruments, X-ray tubes together with a beautiful collection of tubes for the study of electrical discharges in gases.
Furthermore, university orientation activities offer high schools in Siena, Arezzo and Grosseto the opportunity to follow training courses to explore and understand more or less known physical phenomena. For teachers it is possible to insert groups or entire classes in some courses on physics topics such as light and color, see the invisible, measure with light, which can be modulated according to the age and knowledge of the students. The courses always include a laboratory part of qualitative and / or quantitative exploration of the phenomena.