The Civic Aquarium of Milan was established in 1906 during the Milan International Exposition. It was the only pavilion built in the Sempione park that was not dismantled once the event ended. Today it is considered the third oldest aquarium in all of Europe. Around the 90s there was a need to modernize the architecture of the Aquarium. In fact, in 2003 the restoration works began by the architects De Amicis and Guffanti. The goal, in addition to the recovery, was to create an Aquarium that could be technologically advanced, able to offer the public an exhibition and educational space, accessible to all. The exhibition itinerary of the Aquarium includes several thematic areas: from the Red Sea area to the Mediterranean area, up to the recreation of ecosystems such as the mountains, the sea and much more. Ecosystems also recreate the living species that populate our natural world. The Aquarium holds educational workshops for children and families.