Marcia Hafif

Marcia Hafif:

Rome 1961-1969

From 30 May to 25 August 2024

MACRO - Museum of contemporary art

MACRO - Museum of contemporary art

Via Nizza, 138, Rome

Closed now: open at 12:00

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Rome 1961–1969, the exhibition that MACRO – Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome dedicates to Marcia Hafif (Pomona, 1929 – Laguna Beach, 2018), focuses on a specific moment in the life and research of the American artist, telling her relationship with Rome and its artistic community, through a selection of works created during her long stay in the city. Hafif arrived in Florence in 1961, and then settled in Rome where she worked diligently until 1969. Thanks to a declaredly naive approach towards the city and its historical-artistic tradition, Hafif managed to emancipate herself from some of the influences and constraints she had felt in Los Angeles, continuing with renewed freedom her abstract – or rather concrete – painting research, a term she used to refer to the early stages of her Californian work. She settled in Via del Babuino and frequented Caffè Rosati, integrating quickly into the artistic community and forming friendships with Pietro Consagra, Tano Festa, Franco Angeli, Francesco Lo Savio, Toti Scialoja, and especially Carla Accardi. In 1964, she opened her first solo exhibition at Galleria La Salita by Gian Tomaso Liverani. "Every day I visited the churches or simply walked around the city, capturing images from every part," says Hafif, who was fascinated by the intense color displays of street signs and billboards, as well as the inlaid marbles of the churches that recalled some of the geometries already present in her early Roman canvases. She bought enamel colors and mural paints in hardware stores, appreciating a different Italian sensitivity in the formulation of industrial colors. But it was only in 1964, with the commercialization of acrylic paint, that Hafif found an ideal medium that would continuously accompany her during the Roman period. All these elements, combined with the constant experience of traversing the city, became part of the visual imagery of the artist's Italian season, to be understood as a natural continuation of the research already started in the United States.
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Via Nizza, 138, Rome, Italy

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Opening hours

opens - closes last entry
monday Closed now
tuesday 12:00 - 19:00 18:30
wednesday 12:00 - 19:00 18:30
thursday 12:00 - 19:00 18:30
friday 12:00 - 19:00 18:30
saturday 10:00 - 19:00 18:30
sunday 10:00 - 19:00 18:30

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at MACRO - Museum of contemporary art

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in Rome

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