Since March 2005, Naples has its first civic space destined for the exclusive and permanent function of the Center for Contemporary Arts, “Pan | Palazzo delle Arti Napoli ” , a structure that operates on the level of promotion and documentation of the different languages of the contemporary.
The Pan | Palazzo delle Arti Napoli located in the eighteenth-century Palazzo Carafa Roccella of over 6000 square meters, in the central Via dei Mille, offers exhibition spaces, consultation spaces, services and tools for the promotion and study of the works and protagonists of the languages and forms of contemporary art: visual arts, performing arts, architecture, photography, poetry . The plurality of initiatives and the diversification of fruition opportunities characterize the programming, which ranges between memory and creation, between research and cultural entertainment: opportunities for knowledge and comparison between international artistic experiences and experiments, which confirm Naples as the European headquarters of a museum system complex.
Since 2010, the first public artist residency program PAN STUDIOS / orientations of public art / has been launched. The documents (monographs, periodicals, CD Roms, DVDs, graphic material, etc.) collected and stored in the library of the Pan Documentation Center, are present and located in the major electronic catalogs available online