Document the excavations
Document the excavations
Document the excavations
Document the excavations
Document the excavations

Document the excavations:

Pompeii in the publishing enterprises of the kingdom 1740-1850

From 23 October to 31 January 2025

MANN - National Archaeological Museum of Naples

MANN - National Archaeological Museum of Naples

Piazza Museo n.18/19, Naples

Closed now: open at 09:00

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The exhibition is dedicated to the documentation process of the excavations of Herculaneum and Pompeii that resulted in official publications sponsored by various rulers of Naples, from Carlo di Borbone to Ferdinando II, passing through Gioacchino and Carolina Murat.

The twenty-six works on display in the Plastico room of Pompeii come from the funds of the MANN: from the Library, the Historical Archive, the Drawings and Prints Archive, and the collection of branches of the Royal Printing House. In addition to The Antiquities of Herculaneum Exposed (1757–92), with related branches and preparatory drawings, the public will be able to admire the copy of Unpublished Branches owned by Carolina Murat, some gouaches by Francesco Morelli, and rare vellums by Giuseppe Marsigli.

The exhibition interacts with the permanent installation of the large Pompeii model, created between 1861 and 1879. How were the excavations carried out in Pompeii in the first century after the discovery? Why were the paintings removed? When was the first idea of leaving the paintings in situ conceived? And what were the risks? From the early 18th-century enterprises to the mid-19th century, various techniques of documentation, conservation, and restoration were experimented with. Not all were successful, and the drawings produced in the process sometimes remain the only source to reconstruct a lost painting. The works on display tell this story.
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Info and hours

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Piazza Museo n.18/19, Naples, Italy

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Opening hours

opens - closes last entry
monday 09:00 - 19:30
tuesday Closed now
wednesday 09:00 - 19:30
thursday 09:00 - 19:30
friday 09:00 - 19:30
saturday 09:00 - 19:30
sunday 09:00 - 19:30

Other Scheduled Events

at MANN - National Archaeological Museum of Naples

Other Exhibitions

in Naples

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