Since 1855, the historic seat of the Civic Museum, Palazzo Chiericati now houses the municipal collections of paintings, sculptures and applied arts from the thirteenth to the eighteenth century. Masterpiece of Palladio's early maturity (1550), it preserves inside, in addition to period decorations, important documents of Vicenza artistic history, including the series of altarpieces from the destroyed church of S. Bartolomeo by Montagna, Cima da Conegliano , Buonconsiglio, Fogolino, Speranza and the lunettes depicting the Rectors of Vicenza, formerly in Palazzo Pretorio, by the hand of Jacopo Bassano, Maffei, Carpioni. From the private collections donated during the 19th century come masterpieces by Memling, Tintoretto, Veronese, Van Dyck, Giordano, Gian Battista. Tiepolo. Noteworthy are the Numismatics Cabinet (about 25,000 pieces including coins and medals) and the Cabinet of Drawings and Prints, which preserves 33 autographed drawings by Andrea Palladio.