Michael Bardeggia
Michael Bardeggia
Michael Bardeggia
Michael Bardeggia

Michael Bardeggia:

Traveling with Enrica

From 9 July to 31 October 2021

Moscow Palace

Moscow Palace

Piazza Mosca, 29, Pesaro

Closed today: open tomorrow at 10:00

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Simultaneously with the summer exhibition dedicated to Joan Miró, Palazzo Mosca - Musei Civici hosts the personal exhibition of the young artist from Pesaro Michael Bardeggia entitled "Traveling with Enrica", with thirty illustrations taken from his illustrated book "Dante, il mi 'babbo ”published by Arka editions in 2020.

Organized by the Municipality of Pesaro - Department of Beauty and Museum System, as part of the celebrations for the 700th anniversary of the death of the Supreme Poet, the exhibition opens to the public on Friday 9 July at 8 pm on the ground floor of the Museums and will be open until 3 October.

The illustrations of Bardeggia, a young talent who has already obtained national and international recognition, are born from a historical and literary research on the characters of the fourteenth century: from Giovanni Boccaccio, to Guido Cavalcanti up to Dante Alighieri, his life, his Florence and the Divine Comedy, but not only; the artist also confronts the history of classical Greece, mythology, up to the study of the use of color in the medieval period, in particular that of Giotto, so close to our modernity.

Hence his "imaginary" world which, through the illustrations, places the reader in a sort of suspended time, a slow time, in which the gaze has the necessity and the natural need to pause to give that meaning to the images that is often not neither immediate nor on a single level.

Between metaphors and symbols (like the antlers to represent rebirth), in a sort of cyclicality of life, the story unfolds through the pure and true eyes of a little girl, Enrica, who has a void within herself to fill; as it should be, he hopes to see his father again one day to relive that missed embrace, that time together now far away. But her memories meet and intertwine with those of a nun who has experienced that same deep pain, a woman who welcomes and reassures her, telling her in her own way a very special journey, the one experienced by her father that is not other. that Dante Alighieri.

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Info and hours

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Piazza Mosca, 29, Pesaro, Italy

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Opening hours

opens - closes last entry
monday Closed now
tuesday 10:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 18:00
wednesday 10:00 - 13:00
thursday 10:00 - 13:00
friday 10:00 - 13:00
15:30 - 18:30
saturday 10:00 - 13:00
15:30 - 18:30
sunday 10:00 - 13:00
15:30 - 18:30

Closed December 25th and January 1st

Other Exhibitions

in Pesaro