

From 16 September to 31 October 2022

Accepted the Artsupp Card

Musma - Museum of Contemporary Sculpture Matera

Musma - Museum of Contemporary Sculpture Matera

Via San Giacomo, Matera

Open, closing soon last entry 17:00

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Starting from Thursday 16 September 2021, in the MUSMA Graphics Room, it will be possible to visit DiStanze - close encounters with the artists. During the months of the first lockdown (from March to June 2020), the Synchronos Cooperative, the management company of MUSMA, offered the artists of its collections an invitation to take a shot of their studio, a room in their apartment and / or a object present in it, which could represent that particular historical moment.

The MUSMA graphics room, a quiet and intimate room, a secluded environment located in the heart of Palazzo Pomarici will host eighteen photographs, an installation and a sound work. Saverio Todaro, Jasmine Pignatelli, Valerio Rocco Orlando, Sandra Hauser, Leonardo Sonnoli, Agnese Purgatorio, Roberto Paci Dalò, Emmanuele De Ruvo, Afterall, Alberto Timossi, Audrey Coïaniz, Saul Saguatti, Francesco Arena, Luca Centola, Davide Sebastian, Giovanni Gaggia, Matteo Basilè, Aurelio Amendola, The moon on a leash, Andrea Felli: twenty very different perspectives, of surprising impact, on the months of isolation forced by the pandemic.

The title and the concept behind DiStanze derive both from the physical distancing we were forced to by the lockdown and from the original idea of a museum space, born and developed from the "rooms of wonders" - the Wunderkammer - and from private collections. . A fate also affected by MUSMA, whose historical nucleus of works was formed thanks to the donations of gallery owners, collectors and artists to the Zetema Foundation, the promoter of the Museum. Furthermore, Palazzo Pomarici, the historic building in the heart of the Sassi that houses it, is also called the "Palace of the hundred rooms", due to the numerous rooms that follow one another.

The theme of the iconographic apparatus of the MUSMA Wunderkammer therefore starts from a play on words: “of rooms_distances”. Each room has its own role, its own conscience, its own characteristics and its own specific attributes: landscape distances, interior distances, poster distances and a sound distance. “The images - writes Simona Spinella, curator of the exhibition - are unique pieces of a rare time, fragments of a very specific time: isolation. Each work makes the cycle an image of creation and expectation and the twenty artists involved are the custodians of moments of solitary and isolated beauty ”.

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Info and hours

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Via San Giacomo, Matera, Italy

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Opening hours

opens - closes last entry
monday 10:00 - 18:00 17:00
tuesday 10:00 - 18:00 17:00
wednesday 10:00 - 18:00 17:00
thursday 10:00 - 18:00 17:00
friday 10:00 - 18:00 17:00
saturday 10:00 - 18:00 17:00
sunday 10:00 - 18:00 17:00

Show your Artsupp Card at the entrance

Validity of offers:


Exhibitions included:

There are no ongoing exhibitions.

Museum entrance + exhibitions:

5.00 € instead of 10.00€

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in Matera