The retable of the Holy Christ originally belonged to the Oristano convent church consecrated to the Saint of Assisi.
It was paid in 1533 by the Minors of Oristano to the painter Pietro Cavaro of Stampace (Appendices of Cagliari).
Cavaro, born in Stampace from a family of painters, with a workshop since the fifteenth century, had an education between Barcelona, where he is enrolled in the gremio of painters in 1508, and Naples, where he may have married the Catalan widow Joana Godiel in his first marriage. The polyptych is divided between the Sacristy of the church of San Francesco with the central altarpiece and the Arborense Antiquarium with four lateral compartments and five predella or polvaroli compartments. The Stigmata compartment shows the saint kneeling in the act of receiving Christ's wounds, immersed in a Flemish landscape of steep hills crowned by dark trees, on which stands a church with a convent, in the background of a sky full of clouds white and gray, open on the crucified Christ darting Francis. The four lateral compartments depict in learned conversation the Saints Catherine and Apollonia, Bernardino and Ludovico da Tolosa, Stefano and Nicola di Bari, Antonio da Padova and Bonaventura. Finally, the five minor panels, belonging to the predella or to the polvaroli, represent the holy Franciscan martyrs of Morocco, Accursio, Pietro, Adiuto, Ottone and Bernardo.
Title: Holy Christ or the stigmata
Author: Pietro Cavaro
Date: 1533
Technique: Tempera on board
Displayed in: Antiquarium Arborense Museum
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