In the artists on display, a reflective vision prevails, imbued with ironic and sarcastic traits, sometimes paradoxical and restless, or rough and without emphasis, as happens in certain Cuban literature - from the direct and anti-dogmatic writing of Virgilio Piñera or Edmundo Desnoes, to the language scratchy and harsh by Pedro Juan Gutiérrez in which the traces of the marginal universe are sedimented. A vision always accompanied by the internalization and scrutiny of history (with its derivatives), as well as by unstoppable syncretistic attitudes. These twelve artists deny any canon and epic framework, demolishing any metaphysical pretension. They offer a choral and multiple visual journey that foregrounds an imaginary of freedom (heir to the Cuban carnaval) in which decentralized fragments of a narrative of ethical commitment converge. Here public space and private space (often denied by the precepts of Communism), socio-cultural events and unexpected imaginative paths intertwine.
Title: Life from the Spinning Washing Machine
Author: Luis Gomez Armenteros
Technique: Mixed technique
Displayed in: Former San Rocco Hospital
All ongoing and upcoming exhibitions where there are works by