The work was created between 1594 and 1595 by the painter Federico Barocci. The canvas was commissioned by the last Duke of Urbino, Francesco Maria II Della Rovere, for the Urbino Church of the Capuchin Convent. In the painting Saint Francis receiving the stigmata, we depict the moment in which Saint Francis and Fra 'Leone, after having retired in prayer on Mount La Verna, in the darkness of the night are suddenly dazzled by the flaming light emanating from Christ crucified in the likeness of a Seraph (angel with six wings). The light mainly floods the Saint, represented with open arms as he receives the wounds on his hands, feet and side. Fra ’Leone is seated on the ground on the left, depicted in the gesture of shielding his face from the violence of the light. In the background, the facade of the Capuchin Church of Urbino emerges, which is the setting for the biblical episode of the killing of Abel by Cain in front of a bonfire. The subject had already been addressed by Barocci, in other works, but in the Urbino painting the painter is able to expand the space more and to give the scene a more intense breath and a higher incisiveness. By setting the subject at night, Barocci gives the scene an intense emotionality and creates one of the most evocative nocturnal scenes in Italian painting.