Rare and exclusive form of vase used during banquets by the aristocracy of Athens between the end of the sixth and the beginning of the fifth century BC: filled with snow or ice water it was placed to float to cool it in the wine already diluted inside a large crater. Its uniqueness is reinforced by the presence on both sides of the signature of the painter Euthymides (ie of good spirit): an established artist, he is one of the absolute protagonists between 525 and 500 BC. of the new red-figure style, which experiments with the rendering of foreshortening and the use of diluted paint to enhance the sculptural anatomy of the bodies. On one side two wrestlers are represented: on the left the hero Theseus, on the right, identified by an incomplete word, Klytios (?). On the opposite side, two other athletes are depicted using the strigil, the curved instrument with which the body was cleaned from sweat and dust after the competition: the name Faillo identifies the young man on the right in the famous athlete from Crotone who won three times to the Pythian games of Delphi. Between the legs of Theseus there is also a comment to the scene: Bravo, yes of course!