In England, one of the first toy manufacturers to obtain a license from Disney to produce merchandise inspired by animated film characters was Newfeld Limited founded by Charles Neufeld in the town of Ashford, Middlesex, in the second half of the twentieth century. The company contributed to the pleasure of post-war children by creating Bendy Toys, a commercial brand with which it distributed toys characterized by the extreme flexibility of the bodies from which, most likely, the name Bendy. The Bendy Toys branded toys, in addition to the Disney characters, also reproduced the characters of the Muppets which had an extraordinary success so as to push the company to create Muppetts Baby. On the production process of Bendy brand toys, it is known that they begin their life as clay models of the same size from which a plaster mold is made from which, in turn, a metal mold used in manufacturing is made. some toys. If you examine any Bendy Toys, you can see that they are made with a spongy rubber that incorporates, in fact, a metal skeleton.
Title: Mikey Mouse
Author: Anonymous
Date: 1950
Technique: Polyurethane foam, metal
Displayed in: Plart Foundation Naples
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