Little is known of the original location of the Double Portrait, the first example of this type of portrait in Italian sculpture of the fifteenth century. The origin is undoubtedly to be found in classical art. In fact, even Mantegna in the fresco with San Cristoforo in the church of the Eremitani in Padua reproduces double portraits taken from Roman funerary steles. But here the author manages to create something completely new: a work steeped in ancient spirit but absolutely modern, with no real precedent in antiquity itself, a perfect balance between the realistic definition and the idealization of the individual. The characters depicted, perhaps real portraits, perhaps allegorical figures, are filmed when they are talking or singing, with their lips parted and their eyes turned in different directions. The hair, the modeling of the faces, the decorated dress of the female figure, the flower between the breasts, every detail is exquisitely rested, with extreme refinement and delicacy. Under the male figure the signature of the author in the Roman capital is clearly visible, as if to suggest that the original destination was a raised position, to allow easy reading.