Gorizia, nestled in the heart of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, is a city that enchants with its artistic and cultural wealth. Strolling through its streets, one is captivated by the Gorizia Castle, which dominates the city with its majestic medieval architecture, offering a plunge into history and a breathtaking panorama. The Great War Museum, located inside the castle, is a touching journey through the events that marked the 20th century.
The art galleries of Gorizia are treasure chests of beauty, where contemporary and classical artworks converse with the observer, stimulating reflections and emotions. The Church of Sant'Ignazio is a baroque jewel, with sumptuous interiors and frescoes that tell stories of faith and art.
One cannot speak of Gorizia without mentioning the Coronini Cronberg Palace, a must-see attraction for lovers of art and history, with its elegant gardens and art collections that narrate centuries of European culture.
Gorizia is a city that seduces the eye and the soul, a place where art and culture blend into an unforgettable experience. Visiting it means immersing oneself in an environment where every corner reveals a story, every monument whispers of the past, and every work of art invites contemplation.
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in Gorizia
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in Gorizia
All the unmissable appointments in the Galleries and Museums Partner of Artsupp
in Gorizia
Lose yourself in the vision of the best curators and change your perspective.
Over 536 works, including paintings, sculptures, and frescoes from the 19th century. A gem of Italian artistic and decorative heritage boasting millions of visitors every year.