In a simple street, which runs alongside a building with a dirty wall, Yorick walks with ease and confidence, in profile, looking forward, one hand in his pocket while the other holds a cigarette. On the wall, on the left, some childish drawings - which enjoyed interest in those years, as shown by Corrado Ricci's lecture on Children's Art of 1885 and his subsequent volume of 1887 - signed Ada, the stepdaughter of Corcos; on the right verses dictated by Yorick himself (who with irony attribute the features of the subject to the poor skill of the painter). Not the classic official portrait then, but a snapshot drawn with rather broad and quick brushstrokes but with attention to detail, in which irony prevails, one of Yorick's qualities.
Title: Portrait of Yorick
Author: Vittorio Corcos
Date: 1889
Technique: Oil painting on canvas
Displayed in: Giovanni Fattori Civic Museum of Livorno
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