Pompeo Pozzi, trained as a painter at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, worked from 1848 in the shop inherited from his father, Luigi Valeriano, publisher and print shopkeeper. Soon he became passionate about photography, so much so that he turned it into a solid profession and dedicated himself with extreme skill to the shooting of monumental buildings and works of art. His shop was home to the art and photography magazine L’Artista, directed by Luigi Sacchi in 1859. In 1862 he was mentioned by Antonio Caimi, in his memoir, as one of the best artists of Lombardy. He had important commissions from the Municipality of Milan, for which he photographed buildings built by the Technical Offices, and from the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, which commissioned him with photographic campaigns to document the work in progress for the Cathedral. His photographs were purchased by a French diplomat and are now kept in the Bibliothèque nationale de France and the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris. The photograph with the view of the northern side of the Duomo is a contact print from a collodion plate and is taken from the top of the building of the Portico dei Figini, not yet demolished; shows the building front, opposite the Cathedral, before the construction of the northern porticoes (1870-1874).
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Title:View of the south side of the Milan Cathedral