Paolo Monti gradually approached photography starting from the 1920s, constantly expanding his skills also in relation to significant European experiences such as Subjektive Fotografie, a movement led in Germany by Otto Steinert. The years spent in Venice, where he moved to work after a first period in Milan, will be years of change for him, both for the contact with the lagoon reality and for the meetings with other photographers. In the autumn of 1947, Monti founded the photographic club La Gondola, of which he is the main animator and intellectual guide. From that moment an exemplary path opens up for him, which leads him to become one of the greatest Italian photographers. In 1953 he returned to Milan, abandoning his career as an industry manager to devote himself entirely to photography. Here he will spend his entire professional life as a photographer, dedicating himself to post-war urban changes (from the Qt8 district, to the new public housing in San Siro, to the Pirelli skyscraper), to commissioned projects - including work for the History of Italian Literature Garzanti, edited by Cecchi and Sapegno (1965), or the one for the History of Italian Art by the publisher Einaudi (1979) -, to the documentation of the Triennali and Museums of the Castello Sforzesco. He will have an important public office under the direction of Andrea Emiliani, from 1965, for an impressive campaign to survey the historical and artistic heritage of the Emilian Apennines and the historic center of Bologna. In parallel with his professional activity, he will conduct significant experimental research, measuring himself with frames, chemigrams and color materials.