Study of figures for Spring Idyll, is a valuable charcoal, separated with a clear break in two halves, then reassembled, on the reverse of which is affixed the stamp of the Milanese exhibition authenticated by the signature of Felice Abbiati, tutor of Pellizza's daughters who then administered it the goods. It is a study for the central couple alone sitting on the lawn, compositional pivot of the homonymous canvas, which stands out against the background of the shaft of which the sketch reveals only the base. The figures of the two children are sketched by a fluid and pictorial line, complementary in the identical but specular pose of the legs and the weighted torso to establish effective consonances between the parts of the final work, where the boys are placed at the base of the plant almost were the roots as a symbol of love, the sap of life itself. Simultaneously simple and solemn, the coronation of the young woman, ready to receive the wreath from her peasant prince, is rendered by the chiaroscuro model that determines the soft backlight, while already in the trunk the sign alludes, in the sparse superficial hatching, to the divisionist technique with which the canvas is conceived.