Giovanni Fattori's Last Brush Strokes deals with one of the artist's most cherished themes, namely the representation of the landscape animated by the presence of animals. The setting recalls some previous works made in Antignano, in the southern area of Livorno: at the end of his artistic and existential path, therefore, the artist confirms his interest in the beloved places of his hometown.
The painting, with a strongly horizontal format, is not finished and shows some signs of pencil drawing and first rapid brushstrokes with poorly covering colors, which outline the shapes. A straw gazebo and a horse are the main protagonists of this landscape, characterized by an arid land, in the warm tones of ocher and earth, overlooking the sea. The horizon is marked with a sharp line drawn in pencil, above which is a gray-blue sky dotted with clouds. Below, it is a dark spot that the painter did not have time to define.
Title: Last brushstrokes
Author: Giovanni Fattori
Date: 1908
Technique: Oil painting on canvas
Displayed in: Giovanni Fattori Civic Museum of Livorno
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