Displayed in:
40, Place Saint-Corentin , Quimper
Closed today: open tomorrow at 09:30
Verified profile
State deposit in 1896, transfer of ownership from the State to the Municipality of Quimper in 2013
Quick, watch the city of Ys dive into the horizon before it disappears! Divine anger expressed itself, just like that threatening sky. Pursued in their escape by a breaking wave, King Gradlon and Saint Guénolé seem to flee from the painting, while Princess Dahut struggles for her survival. With a succession of curves and warm colors that suggest action, the artist draws the eye to the center of the canvas. The king's horse rears under the weight of the sins of the beautiful Dahut, responsible with her frivolous life for the destruction of the Breton Atlantis. The condemnation comes from the monk with the halo. What does that finger pointing to the sky invoke? Surely the voice of God ordering the king to drown his daughter.
This legend comes from the folklorist La Villemarqué's collection of folk songs Le Barzaz-Breiz.
In addressing this legend, Luminais is associated with the Celtic movement of the late 19th century. The museum also preserves the preparatory sketch of the work, of more modest size. It does not have the same evocative force as this immense painting, destined for the Salon. In Paris, within a dense exhibition, only the large formats were distinguished.
© Musée des beaux-arts de Quimper.
Title: The escape of King Gradlon
Author: Évariste-Vital Luminais
Date: 1884
Technique: Oil painting on canvas
Displayed in: Quimper Museum of Fine Arts
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