The discovery of the Tomb of the Ori begins as a somewhat confused tale. In 1928 the first indications came to the superintendent of Puglia Quintino Quagliati thanks to a sketch of the plan and a prospectus. The place of discovery was the road to Cerignola, parallel to the route of the Appia Traiana. At that time, the archaeologist did not see the tomb, which had already been covered during the work of laying the sewer, but the description of the dromos, the three cells and the monumental façade hinted at its importance. In 1935 the publication of the materials caused a sensation and a sort of archaeological legend was born.
The name OPAKA SABALEIDA written with dotted characters on the hinge of the shell-shaped case and an adolescent tooth made the hypothesis - the legend - affirm the hypothesis - the legend - of the Canosian princess who died as a teenager and deposited with her wealth on a bed of asbestos. In addition to the figure of Opaka, history was accompanied by the figure of Busa who had welcomed the survivors of Canne.
In 1991, new urbanization works brought to light the tomb and it was possible to reconstruct the dynamics of the 1928 intervention. fragments of armor, a sword with a wooden sheath, a spear point, the strigil. The chronology between the end of the 4th and the 3rd century BC confirms the relevance of the hypogeum to the princely elite of the city.
Title: Shell-shaped case with Nereid on a sea monster
Author: Anonymous
Date: 3 - 2 sec. BC
Technique: Silver and gold
Displayed in: MArTA - National Archaeological Museum of Taranto
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