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Piazzale della Pilotta, 15, Parma
Closed today: open tomorrow at 10:30
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"Statute Magnifice Comunitatis Parmae"
Inc. parm. 534
It is the 1494 edition of the revision of the Parma statutes approved in the 1520s by Duke Filippo Maria Visconti, but modified again by Ludovico Sforza in 1494. The work includes the text of the statutes divided into five books and was donated to the Library by Count Giovanni Sanvitale in 1838
Incipit page with the coat of arms of Bartolomeo Prati, c. Iv, with an illuminated initial in blue and with refined plant motifs and at the bottom of the paper the coat of arms of the owner Bartolomeo Prati, jurist and nobleman of Parma.
Title: Statutes of the Magnificent Community of Parma
Author: Anonymous
Date: 1494
Displayed in: Palatine Library
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