The scene depicts an emperor from the Ottonian dynasty with his wife and young son, who is already crowned, kneeling in homage to Christ on the throne, in the pose of proskynesis, the gesture used to pay homage to the Byzantine emperors. Next to the Savior, alluded to by the inscription IHS XPS, are standing on the left Saint Maurice and on the right Mary, indicated by the inscriptions on the sides, while higher up two angels in flight are placed. The platform on which the imperial family rests bears the inscription OTTO IMPERATOR, which does not however resolve the problem of identification between Otto I and Otto II. However, the very young age of the young prince, who already wears the crown and is therefore already associated with his father's power, suggests an identification in favor of Otto II, Theophano, and Otto III: if the hypothesis were correct, the plaque could have been produced in Milan on the occasion of Otto II's visit in 983, when Otto III was only three years old. The elegance of the composition and style, confirmed by other Milanese works of the 10th century, such as the ciborium of the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio, confirm the role played by Milan and northern Italy in the creation of sophisticated Ottonian art. The ivory belonged to the Trivulzio Collection and entered the Civic Collections in 1935.