Displayed in:
Piazza Del Duomo, Museo di Palazzo Doebbing, Sutri
Closed today: open Thursday at 10:00
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Bronze statuette, 1st century AD It is 0.78 cm high, found in Sutri. It represents a young man of delicate shapes, about 16 years old, the right arm is raised and the hand rests on the head in the act of styling his hair. The left hand, bent at the elbow, supports with the raised hand an object, towards which the young man's gaze is directed, it is therefore assumed that he is holding a box mirror in his hand. There are similarities with the "Apollino" in the gallery of the Uffizi in Florence, there is this similarity in the motif and in the elegance of the body that you can almost see in Sutri's Efebo. The comparison with Apollinus also serves to highlight the Praxitelean inspiration of the bronze statuette.
Title: Efebo in Sutri
Author: Anonymous
Date: 1st century AD
Technique: Bronze
Displayed in: Doebbing Palace
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