The small chest is a fine example of the excellence achieved by Lombard goldsmith art in the 11th century. Shaped like a parallelepiped with a sloping lid, the box has a wooden core and is covered with six partially gilded silver sheets, embossed and chiseled. On the longer sides, the Martyrdom of Saints Cyprian and Justina and a Traditio Legis et clavium can be recognized, while on the shorter sides two female figures are represented, one seated on a throne and the Beheading of Saint Cyprian. The lid is adorned with the Mystic Lamb among angels and a Bishop among Saints. The chosen iconography reveals a wise balance between the celebration of the life and martyrdom of the two Saints and the role of the Church, remembered in the transmission of the keys to Saint Peter and the Law to Saint Paul. The Mystic Lamb represents Christ. It seems likely that the box was designed to contain some relics of Saint Justina, transferred in 1001 from Rome to the Cathedral of Piacenza. The high quality of the reliquary is evident in the chromatic variations and the delicate and skillful drapery. Belonging to the Collection of Luigi Alberico Trivulzio, the work entered the Civic Collections in 1953.