The cast represents a female figure lying on a rock and asleep. Dressed in a chiton that leaves her left breast uncovered. The head, covered by the cloak, is leaning slightly backwards and resting on the back of the left hand, a snake-shaped bracelet is rolled around the left arm, the right arm is dropped loosely above the head, the legs are crossed. The original, from which the cast derives, is placed in the Vatican Museums, Museo Pio - Clementino, in the Gallery of Statues. The sculpture, identified with the sleeping Ariadne at the end of the 1700s by Ennio Quirino Visconti, previously believed to be a Cleopatra due to the snake-shaped bracelet that adorns her arm, copy of an original from the first half of the second century. BC in Parian marble. It has some restoration elements: the nose, the lips, the right hand, part of the left, part of the drapery.
Title: cast of statue, so-called Ariadne asleep
Author: Anonymous
Technique: Gesso
Displayed in: Museum of Classical Art
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