Among the numerous works that Angelo Morbelli dedicated to the Pio Albergo Trivulzio - Vecchine Curiose is unique in terms of subject, unprecedented in the unusual choice of stealing a moment of almost serene lightheartedness from the boarders. The perspective of a long corridor of the historic Milanese shelter welcomes a theory of equally dressed ladies who proceed from the back, some in pairs, others solitary, while five of them stand in the foreground in front of a canvas on an easel, not already bending over their work but on that of others, locked in a dialogue that can be perceived as lively, fully inserted in the space of life, thanks to a more airy setting that redeems the claustrophobia of the refectories and common rooms, with the hint of the portico open to the blue purest of the sky. Dated 1891, the year of the onset of Divisionism at the First Triennial of Brera Vecchine Curious is resolved by dividing and mixing areas. Remarkable is the effect of the foreshortened wall rendered through the superimposition of a yellow ocher grid on the gray-blue base, a complementary contrast that also lights up the floor with a more sparse surface hatching that alternates light yellow and dark blue, obtained the special tools with multiple points invented by the painter himself.